I'm so tired but having a hard time falling asleep.
We are on a little journey right now with our little Wyatt.
Some back ground info on what is going on...Friday night he went to bed as he always does. He woke up screaming. Didn't seem too odd to me because he is getting two molars right now. I went to get him and he was laying down in his crib...kinda odd because usually he is standing up waiting for one of us to get him.
I pick him up and take him downstairs. He is wanting to get down so I put him down and he falls to the ground. (he's 14.5 months old and has been walking since 12.5-13 months old) I help him back up and as he's trying to take steps he just keeps falling to the ground. He is now getting frustrated. I hold him for a few minutes and put him back down. We do this several times and he continues to get more steady on his feet. But his walking is completely off.
The best way to explain it is a very "drunken walk" as if completely intoxicated. Through about a 20 minute time frame his walking goes from like being intoxicated to as if he is just "tipsy". Horrible to relate this to being drunk but honestly it's the best way to portray the picture.
I become worried. I call his Dr. She says to bring him in the morning and she will check for a possible ear infection. A sigh of relief. This makes sense. Except he hasn't had a fever and isn't pulling at his ears BUT this could be what the problem is???
He goes back to bed.
In the am we are observing him and he seems to be off balance at times. We go to the Dr. apt. His ears are fine. She checks his coordination and reflexes. She tells me she wants me to head down to Children's Hospital so they can do further tests. She reassures me that it most likely is nothing but wants to make sure and she wouldn't be able to sleep that night if she didn't have further testing done.
I call Kev, he stayed home with Emma. He's now on his way to meet me because this is something we need to do as a family. He brings a list of things needed for our day away from home.
We drive to the hospital ....I mention to him how the Dr. said most likely everything was fine BUT I tell him, would she really have told me if something was really wrong? She wouldn't send me driving an hour away and tell me something was wrong. So then I start panicking. In the mean time updates are being posted on facebook and many are praying for our little guy and sending encouraging messages. I'm reminded God is in control.
We get to the hospital. I see the Ronald McDonald house and I think to myself that I will not be staying there. I will be going home with my son.
Check in. Tell the story of the episode. Tell the story again and again and again. Oh and again!
Wyatt's Dr. called ahead for us and she requested a CT Scan for him. We had to wait and wait.
They put him under. I had to hold him tight while they masked him. Horrible. I then had to kiss his sweet forehead and leave the room. Horrible. The nurses and Drs there were honestly angels! Explained everything, comforted us and loved our boy.
Wyatt went to recovery, we waited without him...horrible. They got me once he was starting to wake up. He opened his eyes, closed, opened and closed. Then opened and sat up. I held him. He was awake. Went back to our room at the hospital.
Results of CT Scan....clear! Praise God.
They were going to dismiss us because at that point the other options were MRI and/or Spinal tap and they felt those were not necessary at the time.
We were very happy to be released and Wyatt was VERY happy to get 2 Popsicles that he inhaled since he didn't eat ALL day! We were told to make a follow up Dr apt with his Dr.
We head on over to my sister's house. She wonderfully left work early and picked up Emma from the hospital. Huge blessing because as you can imagine hospitals aren't too fun for SUPER hungry and energetic 4 year olds!!! Emma got to go to McDonalds and swimming with her Auntie and cousin! Blast!
We get home late. Kids to bed.
Now it's Sunday. I'm analyzing Wyatt's every step! Kev did you see that? That? He did.
Kev and Emma go to his Mom's for a Labor day BBQ. Wyatt and I stay home. We are exhausted. We nap and play and I analyze every step.
Monday. We continue to watch his walking. From all the observing we notice he tends to be more off balance then before the episode. He tends to be more clumsy, either falling more or running into things more. He is only 14.5 months old...those things can be normal BUT they have increased since the episode.
Follow up Dr apt. Wed. Dr orders blood work and an apt with the Neurologist. We go to another office Wyatt gives blood. Big boy. Again mama holds the poor boy tight while he gives blood.
We had an incident when the office was scheduling the neurology apt. They call me and tell me we no longer have his Dr. The Dr. we just saw, we've seen throughout this whole thing, the Dr I adore and think is AMAZiNG!!! I'm panicking, freaking out!!! They tell me the insurance company just switched Drs on us and we possibly won't be able to switch back?!?!?
I'm praying and on HOLD for 25 LONG mins with the insurance company. Finally I was given another Angel today and she took care of everything and we have our AMAZING Dr back!!!
With this little hiccup it put scheduling the Neurology apt behind a little. So now we either will see a Neurologist Thursday (today) or Monday.
It's been crazy. Besides all that was explained above Wyatt is completely acting normal. Being his normal crazy, cute self!
We have received and are receiving so much prayer. I totally feel God working....I have an unexplainable peace. Besides my couple freak out moments, I really have felt peace.
Wyatt's Dr is very proactive which I love and I think she really wants to rule things out and take every precaution making sure he is our healthy little boy!! I am SO thankful for this because the Drs we have had in the past would have done nothing. It's how they roll :)
Since I have had to tell about this incident So many times I thought I would write it out.
We go through hurdles in life to bring us back to the feet of Jesus. To remember what is really important about this life we live here on earth and that is Jesus. To be humbled. To remember we have NO control of our lives, our day, our children and our health. God is the one in complete control. His plan, his perfect plan. He brings people together. People pray out to him for the same being, one they may know so well and to some, may have never met.
Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your encouraging words. Thank him for answering prayers. Thank him for sending his son to die for us. Thank him for his forgiveness.
***I will post updates on here and mostly on Facebook.
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A few days in Chichicastenango, Guatemala
6 months ago
Oh Jen. I'm thinking of you today! You have a wonderful perspective - keep it in front of you. Keep us posted.
Jen, totally praying for your family and Wyatt. Let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you. Take care :)
Any news??
Keeping you guys in our prayers. Maybe we'll run in to you guys one of these days! :)
Okay, going crazy over here. I'm not on FB so I've been asking J for an update like everyday. Thinking of your family!! :)
Oh how scary for a mom! It brings me back to when our little E was in the hospital. :( Not having any answers is just awful! Your family will be in our prayers!
Thank you ladies for the prayers and support!
Rachel I'm soooo sorry...!!! I'm terrible at replying on here.
We finally had the Neurology apt today!!!! It went well. Based on Wyatt still being off balance some the Dr. is requesting a MRI. So we wait on insurance approval for that. I'm thinking the MRI will be within the next 2 weeks. Will keep you all posted. Again THANK YOU so much for your concern, prayers and support!
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